You can get a wide variety of options when it comes to diamond shapes for your engagement ring. The most popular option among them is the round brilliants which create a traditional and timeless choice for engagement rings. Another popular option that is known for its unique look and great brilliance is princess-cut stones. If you want a non-traditional engagement ring with great sparkle, then princess diamonds are an excellent option for you.
Princess-Cut Diamonds
The great brilliance that is comparable to round brilliants makes this diamond shape one of the most desirable options among people. A princess diamond has a square shape with sharp edges which offers a distinct look when compared to the traditional round brilliants.
Princess-cut stones have 50-58 facets based on how the stone is cut. The facets in a princess diamond are arranged to maximize the brilliance. These stones usually have a square shape with a length-to-width ratio of about 1.0-1.05. Princess stones are also present in rectangular shapes but they are not desirable, as they lack the brilliance of square princess diamonds.
Benefits Of Princess-Cut Diamonds
A princess diamond can offer a lot of impressive benefits in comparison with many other diamond shapes. The unique shape is one of the most attractive features of this stone. It attracts people with its sharp corners, which is a feature that is unique to this particular diamond shape. Even though there are many other diamond cuts with a square shape, they usually feature rounded or cut corners. Hence, the sharp corners of princess-cut stones make them unique.
Princess stones are also less expensive than round brilliants and many other diamond shapes. So it creates an affordable option for your diamond ring. By choosing princess-cut lab grown diamonds, you can save extra money, as these synthetic stones come with significantly lower price ranges.
Because of the spectacular brilliance exhibited by them, princess diamonds can hide flaws and inclusions. Therefore, you can compromise on the clarity of this stone without worrying about reduced sparkle. This can be helpful for you to save a huge amount on your engagement ring.
Princess-cut diamonds are highly versatile and you can use them for a wide variety of engagement ring settings including solitaire, pave, halo, channel settings, etc.
But princess cut diamonds might look a little bit smaller than other diamond shapes with the same carat size because of their particular shape. Also, the sharp corners of these stones can make them vulnerable to chipping. So make sure to consider the drawbacks of this stone before deciding whether it can be suitable for you.